Marching Orders

It’s 24 November 2014, 20 days after the wholesale butt whuppin’ dealt by the American people to the ‘Rats. Notice I said “by the American people”, not “by the GOP”; there’s a reason for this. The Pubbies didn’t win this election, the ‘Rats lost it. Boo-Hoo Boehner and Mammoth Cave McConnell didn’t win – neither did Reince Priebus, whose name I almost feel compelled to say in my best blue-blood, Thurston Howell voice. They were merely the beneficiaries of the frustration and anger felt by the American people.
boohoo boehner      mcconnell

Speaker of the House John “Boo-Hoo” Boehner (left) and incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch “Mammoth Cave” McConnell

The GOP gave us nothing to vote for, just that they weren’t Barrack Hussein Ebola. There was no Contract With America, ala Newt Gingrich and the 1994 elections. There was no unified promise to repeal Obamacare, and replace it with a free-market system that will actually work for the insurers and the insured. There was no promise to once and for all secure the border, and to do something about the 30+ millions of illegal scumbag aliens who are here already, stealing us blind of jobs and taxpayer funded welfare, health and education benefits. There was no promise of real transparency in government, of getting the federal government off our backs, out of our bedrooms and living rooms, and out of the skies above with their drones and spy satellites. None of that. Just “vote for me…we’re not them!”

So here we are, two weeks into the lame duck Senate majority leadership of Hemorrhoid Reid, and the lame duck golf outing of Barrack Hussein Ebola. Mammoth Cave McConnell and Blubbering Boehner have already signaled their desire to “work with” Hussein Ebola, rather than take the mandate handed them by the American people to roll back the six years of Obammunism that have driven our nation to the brink of destruction and civil war (and yes, I mean that in every sense of the word…we gain nothing by ignoring the elephant in the living room). We – which is to say those “we” sent to DC – have the opportunity to do something, but instead we’re facing two years of a comfortable (for them) return to the “good ol’ days” of the Bush-era Pubbie control of Congress. Nothing will get done, the Left will solidify its stranglehold on our Republic, and the Pubbies will lose perhaps its last chance to be an opposition party.

So it’s up to us, my fellow Americans, to make them be an opposition party. I’ve said it before, and will say it until I’m either blue in the face, shot dead in my driveway by the jack-booted thugs, or y’all finally wake up and do it – WE THE PEOPLE CAN CHANGE THE COURSE OF OUR NATION!!!

Yes, I was screaming.

The First Amendment is such a powerful tool for securing Liberty, yet we only use part of it. Yeah, bloggers and podcasters can go online and rant, bitch, whine, moan, groan and preach to the choir to our hearts’ content, but what then? All we’re doing is stating the obvious, the long-established facts that we’re going to hell in a hand basket, that the ‘Rats are evil and the Pubbies are cowards, and that Barrack Hussein Ebola is going to be the catalyst of our decline. What now? What the hell are we gonna do about it? Just sit back grousing and griping until they finally come for our internet? What then?

People, these are your marching orders for the next two years:

1) Give your elected so-called “leaders” in Congress, your state legislature and city hall their marching orders. Tell them what you expect them to get accomplished, and remind them that there are more elections coming, some as soon as next November. If your state allows for recall elections, wave that in their faces.  Visit their local offices, burn up their phones in DC, picket outside their offices and city halls, and let the media know you’re doing it.  Don’t waste your time with e-mails; they just get deleted by low-level staffers and interns.  Get face time with their staff at their local office.

2) Lace up the Reeboks, grab the signs and bullhorns, and get back out in the streets. Use the whole “right to peaceably assemble” part of the First Amendment. Why is there a nationally-recognized group called The Tea Party in the first place? Because they got everyone’s attention in 2009, and captured our imagination by doing exactly that…getting out in the streets, getting loud, and getting on the evening news. That’s how the Tea Party became a national force to be reckoned with, not by “working behind the scenes”, as one TP officer here in the Boise, ID area told me in 2012. We became a powerful juggernaut precisely because we weren’t behind the scenes, we were the scene! So what if the Obammunist Lickspittle Media called us racist? Of course they’re going to do that…it’s their trump card. So deal with it, sidestep the false accusations, and stay on message. But in order for the message to get out there, YOU have to get out there.  Be the message!

3) Quit making excuses for not doing anything. “I work hard, and I’m tired at the end of the day”, “I can’t go to protests over the summer, ‘cause that’s vacation time”, “that’s why we elect representatives, to do that stuff for us”, etc. etc, ad nauseum. Horseshi’ite! Like it or not, you now have two jobs…whatever you do to earn a living, and earning your American birthright.
If that means you have to drag your tired ass off the couch to go to city hall to raise hell at the city clowncil meeting, or the school board meeting, then get your tired ass up and earn your birthright. If that means you have to take your kids along, great…they’ll get a firsthand lesson in what it means to be an American, and you’ll give them a reason to look up to you. If that means you don’t get to go to Disney this summer, fine…take the family on a patriotic vacation to attend a 9-12 rally in DC. Quit making excuses. Every time you point a finger, you point three back at yourself…you and your bullshi’ite excuses for not doing anything are the reason things are the way they are.

4) Quit subsidizing Leftist indoctrination through pop culture and the entertainment industry. You know good and damn well that the Hollyweird movie and music syndicate is Leftist, so why the hell do you continue to buy their music and go to their movies? Why the hell do you continue to support the knuckle dragging illiterates in the NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL, when you know they’re overwhelmingly Leftist and PC? “But AJ,” you petulantly whine, “I know how to separate artists’ work from their politics!” No you don’t, and you need your ass kicked (figuratively) for even thinking that. By buying their CDs and going to their movies, you’re supporting their careers. By supporting their careers, you’re encouraging them to act the way they do. If Matthew McConaughey makes $20 million a movie, and his films gross $500, $600, $800 kajillion billion zillion, what message does he hear? He hears that he can do or say whatever the hell he wants about how we should ignore the 2nd Amendment (yeah, he said that), because the people will still support his work. If Enema…uh, Eminem, puts out an album that goes quadruple platinum, what message does he hear? He hears that you love him and his liberal, immature, 40-year old little boy ass, no matter how much of an immature, 40-year old little boy he is.

STOP SUPPORTING LIBERAL POP CULTURE!!! There are plenty of conservative, patriotic, libertarian musicians, actors and actresses, movie producers, video game producers and so on, out here dying to get their work out there for the public to consume. Why are you allowing the Left unfettered access to your entertainment dollars? You might have to do some looking around, but patriotic/conservative/libertarian alternatives to the Leftist indoctrination that is pop culture are out here. I know…I are one of ‘em, as you well know by now.

To conclude today’s rant, I’m sick of going onto blogs and forums like Free Republic and Time Bomb 2000, and hearing the same ol’, same ol’ whining and bitching by lazy ass and cowardly Pubbies and so-called conservatives, but no calls to action. What we’ve been doing the last 20 years isn’t working…despite election victories by the GOP, we’re a weaker nation today than we were when President Reagan left office. We in the Center-Right are lazy and cowardly. We want to yell and scream, to huff and puff, but not to risk getting out there and doing something. That has to change if our Republic is to survive.

You have your orders, now get out there and do it.

Program note: I’ve gotten a couple of emails to the podcast (, saying it’s pretty damned hypocritical for me to use my pseudonym instead of my real name, while I’m asking you to be brave and stick your heads into the line of fire. Yep, I admit it is. I’ve also been getting emails asking why the hiatus of the blog and podcast. Well, the answer to both of those is that I’m making once last stab at getting back into radio, so I have to stay anonymous, at least for the time being. Rest assured, if the job I’m trying to get falls through, the first thing I’ll do is take the KISS makeup off. Not that it’s any big deal – I’m a nobody – but please stand by.

Antonio Banderas: continuing the tradition of half-wit Hollweird types opening their mouths and proving they’re half-wits

Wow…the list of Hollweird types who are cordially invited to pucker up and smooch my big, white buttocks has grown yet again.  I’ve never been a particularly big fan of Antonio Banderas, though I do enjoy “Desperado”, and have it in my DVD collection.  However, he can now officially join the likes of Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, Sean Penn, Jamie Foxx, Morgan Freeman, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Moore, Demi Moore, and a list of anti-Constitution, racist, and hateful Hollweird types that stretches from Grauman’s Chinese Theater to Tiananmen Square.  It’s a list of jackwagons that I count among my (ideological) enemies, and I’ll be damned if I ever support their careers again.


Antonio Banderas, half-wit Commie

What did poor ol’ Antonio to to earn my wrath?  In a recent interview with Spanish news outlet, The Local (the Loco?), he criticized The Obammunist, saying former (now dead) Venezuelan Communist dictator Hugo Chavez had betters ideas about how to fix our economic woes.  Yeah.  Really.  The way to fix The Obammunist’s “fundamental change” policies is to get the lead out and go full-bore Commie.

When reporter Ana Pastor asked him what The Obammunist is doing wrong, and what he (Banderas) would like to see done, he said,

“You break it like Chávez did in his day, you get all these big corporations and you nationalize them.  There was no other way out.”

Not to question Banderas’ intelligence (okay, I question it…in fact, I’ll call him out as being dumb as a small soap dish), but his IMDB biography says nothing about him ever attending college, or even graduating from high school.  Granted, having an “education” today is no guarantee of intelligence, or the ability to think critically or analytically.  But when your bio speaks of playing soccer professionally until the age of 14, then going into the theater and playing homosexual characters, well, I don’t place a whole lot of credibility in your economic insights, Tony.

Why have we ceded pop culture to the Left?

Okay, now we get to the part where I get all preachy and talk about how to fix this mess.  I have asked for a number of years now, and will continue to ask why we in the Center-Right have allowed the Left unfettered access to pop culture?

“But AJ,” you say, “Leftists control Hollyweird.  They control the music industry.  From the way it looks, they’ve taken over professional sports, too.  There’s nothing we can do about it!”

Hogwash!  I can think of two things you can do to fight back, and the first is easy: reject pop culture.  Don’t support the careers of the aforementioned anti-American jackwagons, and the rest of their anti-American industry.  Same goes with pop musicians like Katy Perry, Pink, Madonna, 99% of the rappers out there, and so on.  Don’t support professional sports.  Stop watching, stop listening, stop giving them your hard earned money through outrageously priced movie, concert and game tickets.  Stop subscribing to cable or satellite TV.  Simple.

“But AJ,” you counter, “we’ll have no entertainment, then.  We’ll die of boredom!”

Let me say it again…hogwash!  There are plenty of talented actors, musicians, athletes, authors, video game designers, and other entertainers out there who are conservative, patriotic, libertarian, center-right, whatever you want to call them.  Furthermore, they’re dying to be discovered and have your support.  But as there’s no infrastructure to support their work, they (we, I should say, am one of them) are undiscovered and unknown.

“But AJ,” you implore, “if I can’t see them on TV, hear them on the radio, or see their movies at the local meglo-plex, how can we ever find them?”

Ah…here’s where the plot thickens, and thing get more complicated.  A conservative/libertarian/patriotic pop culture is going to have to be built, from the ground up.  We’re going to need a conservative-patriotic Warner Brothers to step forward and build the movie and music studios needed to produce the movies and music of conservative-patriotic artists.  We’re going to need investors, from the wealthy to the average guy chipping in a little bit each month into his 401K or mutual fund, to step up.  We need to buy controlling interest in cable companies, record companies, movie studios, video game production companies, publishers, professional sports teams, and so on.

“But AJ,” you object, “those aren’t good investments!  I make more money investing in the Brazilian petroleum industry, or helping the Chinese build cheap cars, made by slave laborers like the Tiananmen Square Tank Guy.”

Yeah, there are better places to put your money than Hollyweird, but how’s the Tank Guy going to help save this Republic from the clutches of the Commies right here, who are brainwashing your kids and turning them into the American version of the Young Pioneers (if you don’t understand the reference, look it up)?  How much good is your portfolio going to do you if the government seizes it, or taxes it at 50%+?  What good is it going to do you to leave money to your kids if the government confiscates most of it through taxes, or even worse, if you kids have been so brainwashed, they voluntarily turn it over to the government, because they’re good little Commies themselves?

Most kids don’t listen to Rush Limbaugh.  They don’t read the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, or the Chicago Tribune.  Hell, they can barely read, much less understand what they’ve read.  They don’t go to the Heritage Foundation website.  Believe it or not, most of them don’t listen to country music, either!  Edgy, violent, cool pop culture is what they understand, it’s what they like, and it’s what has been the biggest influence on them growing up.  The only way they’re going to ever hear our conservative-patriotic message is if it’s wrapped in a package they’ll accept…and I don’t hear too many young people blasting Sarah Evans or George Strait out the windows of their Scions.  They listen to rap, rock and metal.  I don’t hear too many young people talking about Jeff Daniels or Clint Eastwood these days, but they sure know Jamie Foxx and Ashton Kutcher.  There’s probably not a young person out there who’s ever read “Common Sense” that didn’t have to do it for a class, but they can tell you all about the history of the characters in “Grand Theft Auto”.

We have to package our pro-American, pro-individual responsibility, pro-hard work, pro-family message in rock, rap, and metal music, so the kids will listen to it.  We have to produce edgy, fun, action-packed movies that kids will pay to see, but wrap our message inside them.  We have to create a culture in professional sports that celebrates athletes with values, like Tim Tebow, instead of ridiculing them.  We can do it, by pooling our resources, our efforts, and our time…and by not giving our resources, efforts and time to the Leftist pop culture that has poisoned the minds of three generations of Americans, and counting.  But if we’re going to do it, if we’re going to deprogram Generation X and, and save the future of our Republic, we have to quit making excuses.  We have to speak up, speak out, and DO SOMETHING!

Oh yeah…I invite Antonio Banderas to talk with Maria Conchita Alonso, who is Venezuelan, and who has seen what Chavez’s politics did to her country.  He’ll get an earful, I’m sure.