Marching Orders

It’s 24 November 2014, 20 days after the wholesale butt whuppin’ dealt by the American people to the ‘Rats. Notice I said “by the American people”, not “by the GOP”; there’s a reason for this. The Pubbies didn’t win this election, the ‘Rats lost it. Boo-Hoo Boehner and Mammoth Cave McConnell didn’t win – neither did Reince Priebus, whose name I almost feel compelled to say in my best blue-blood, Thurston Howell voice. They were merely the beneficiaries of the frustration and anger felt by the American people.
boohoo boehner      mcconnell

Speaker of the House John “Boo-Hoo” Boehner (left) and incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch “Mammoth Cave” McConnell

The GOP gave us nothing to vote for, just that they weren’t Barrack Hussein Ebola. There was no Contract With America, ala Newt Gingrich and the 1994 elections. There was no unified promise to repeal Obamacare, and replace it with a free-market system that will actually work for the insurers and the insured. There was no promise to once and for all secure the border, and to do something about the 30+ millions of illegal scumbag aliens who are here already, stealing us blind of jobs and taxpayer funded welfare, health and education benefits. There was no promise of real transparency in government, of getting the federal government off our backs, out of our bedrooms and living rooms, and out of the skies above with their drones and spy satellites. None of that. Just “vote for me…we’re not them!”

So here we are, two weeks into the lame duck Senate majority leadership of Hemorrhoid Reid, and the lame duck golf outing of Barrack Hussein Ebola. Mammoth Cave McConnell and Blubbering Boehner have already signaled their desire to “work with” Hussein Ebola, rather than take the mandate handed them by the American people to roll back the six years of Obammunism that have driven our nation to the brink of destruction and civil war (and yes, I mean that in every sense of the word…we gain nothing by ignoring the elephant in the living room). We – which is to say those “we” sent to DC – have the opportunity to do something, but instead we’re facing two years of a comfortable (for them) return to the “good ol’ days” of the Bush-era Pubbie control of Congress. Nothing will get done, the Left will solidify its stranglehold on our Republic, and the Pubbies will lose perhaps its last chance to be an opposition party.

So it’s up to us, my fellow Americans, to make them be an opposition party. I’ve said it before, and will say it until I’m either blue in the face, shot dead in my driveway by the jack-booted thugs, or y’all finally wake up and do it – WE THE PEOPLE CAN CHANGE THE COURSE OF OUR NATION!!!

Yes, I was screaming.

The First Amendment is such a powerful tool for securing Liberty, yet we only use part of it. Yeah, bloggers and podcasters can go online and rant, bitch, whine, moan, groan and preach to the choir to our hearts’ content, but what then? All we’re doing is stating the obvious, the long-established facts that we’re going to hell in a hand basket, that the ‘Rats are evil and the Pubbies are cowards, and that Barrack Hussein Ebola is going to be the catalyst of our decline. What now? What the hell are we gonna do about it? Just sit back grousing and griping until they finally come for our internet? What then?

People, these are your marching orders for the next two years:

1) Give your elected so-called “leaders” in Congress, your state legislature and city hall their marching orders. Tell them what you expect them to get accomplished, and remind them that there are more elections coming, some as soon as next November. If your state allows for recall elections, wave that in their faces.  Visit their local offices, burn up their phones in DC, picket outside their offices and city halls, and let the media know you’re doing it.  Don’t waste your time with e-mails; they just get deleted by low-level staffers and interns.  Get face time with their staff at their local office.

2) Lace up the Reeboks, grab the signs and bullhorns, and get back out in the streets. Use the whole “right to peaceably assemble” part of the First Amendment. Why is there a nationally-recognized group called The Tea Party in the first place? Because they got everyone’s attention in 2009, and captured our imagination by doing exactly that…getting out in the streets, getting loud, and getting on the evening news. That’s how the Tea Party became a national force to be reckoned with, not by “working behind the scenes”, as one TP officer here in the Boise, ID area told me in 2012. We became a powerful juggernaut precisely because we weren’t behind the scenes, we were the scene! So what if the Obammunist Lickspittle Media called us racist? Of course they’re going to do that…it’s their trump card. So deal with it, sidestep the false accusations, and stay on message. But in order for the message to get out there, YOU have to get out there.  Be the message!

3) Quit making excuses for not doing anything. “I work hard, and I’m tired at the end of the day”, “I can’t go to protests over the summer, ‘cause that’s vacation time”, “that’s why we elect representatives, to do that stuff for us”, etc. etc, ad nauseum. Horseshi’ite! Like it or not, you now have two jobs…whatever you do to earn a living, and earning your American birthright.
If that means you have to drag your tired ass off the couch to go to city hall to raise hell at the city clowncil meeting, or the school board meeting, then get your tired ass up and earn your birthright. If that means you have to take your kids along, great…they’ll get a firsthand lesson in what it means to be an American, and you’ll give them a reason to look up to you. If that means you don’t get to go to Disney this summer, fine…take the family on a patriotic vacation to attend a 9-12 rally in DC. Quit making excuses. Every time you point a finger, you point three back at yourself…you and your bullshi’ite excuses for not doing anything are the reason things are the way they are.

4) Quit subsidizing Leftist indoctrination through pop culture and the entertainment industry. You know good and damn well that the Hollyweird movie and music syndicate is Leftist, so why the hell do you continue to buy their music and go to their movies? Why the hell do you continue to support the knuckle dragging illiterates in the NFL, NBA, MLB and NHL, when you know they’re overwhelmingly Leftist and PC? “But AJ,” you petulantly whine, “I know how to separate artists’ work from their politics!” No you don’t, and you need your ass kicked (figuratively) for even thinking that. By buying their CDs and going to their movies, you’re supporting their careers. By supporting their careers, you’re encouraging them to act the way they do. If Matthew McConaughey makes $20 million a movie, and his films gross $500, $600, $800 kajillion billion zillion, what message does he hear? He hears that he can do or say whatever the hell he wants about how we should ignore the 2nd Amendment (yeah, he said that), because the people will still support his work. If Enema…uh, Eminem, puts out an album that goes quadruple platinum, what message does he hear? He hears that you love him and his liberal, immature, 40-year old little boy ass, no matter how much of an immature, 40-year old little boy he is.

STOP SUPPORTING LIBERAL POP CULTURE!!! There are plenty of conservative, patriotic, libertarian musicians, actors and actresses, movie producers, video game producers and so on, out here dying to get their work out there for the public to consume. Why are you allowing the Left unfettered access to your entertainment dollars? You might have to do some looking around, but patriotic/conservative/libertarian alternatives to the Leftist indoctrination that is pop culture are out here. I know…I are one of ‘em, as you well know by now.

To conclude today’s rant, I’m sick of going onto blogs and forums like Free Republic and Time Bomb 2000, and hearing the same ol’, same ol’ whining and bitching by lazy ass and cowardly Pubbies and so-called conservatives, but no calls to action. What we’ve been doing the last 20 years isn’t working…despite election victories by the GOP, we’re a weaker nation today than we were when President Reagan left office. We in the Center-Right are lazy and cowardly. We want to yell and scream, to huff and puff, but not to risk getting out there and doing something. That has to change if our Republic is to survive.

You have your orders, now get out there and do it.

Program note: I’ve gotten a couple of emails to the podcast (, saying it’s pretty damned hypocritical for me to use my pseudonym instead of my real name, while I’m asking you to be brave and stick your heads into the line of fire. Yep, I admit it is. I’ve also been getting emails asking why the hiatus of the blog and podcast. Well, the answer to both of those is that I’m making once last stab at getting back into radio, so I have to stay anonymous, at least for the time being. Rest assured, if the job I’m trying to get falls through, the first thing I’ll do is take the KISS makeup off. Not that it’s any big deal – I’m a nobody – but please stand by.

We ARE the system…”they” are not!

I spend way too much time on Free Republic and Time Bomb 2000.  I love the camaraderie, the rollicking debates, and the sense of humor on display by my fellow conservatives and patriots on both sites.  What I don’t love is the negativity, the sense of despair and helplessness that I read from an increasing number of members of those communities.  I don’t love how many of the contributors to those sites are expatriates, living abroad because they’re convinced the American Republic is gone forever.  I also don’t love the mindset of those on the other side of the spectrum — those who believe CW2 (look it up if you don’t understand the reference) is inevitable, and the only thing we can and should do is start loading magazines, and get ready for it.

9-12 rally 3

Don’t get me wrong…I believe CW2 is a distinct possibility, and I’m four-square behind the prepper movement.  I just want to make damn sure we do everything we can to avoid that nightmare , lest it become necessary.  The problem is, we haven’t tried everything we can to take back our Republic peaceably.  We haven’t done everything to work within the system.  Hell’s bells, too many of us don’t even realize we are the system!

Ours is a self-governing Republic.  We’re not a democracy (we don’t all vote on every national, state or local laws…we elect people to do that for us), but we do use the democratic process to govern ourselves.  Being as we are the ones who pull the levers or punch the touch screens at the polls — or we don’t — we exercise ultimate power in this nation.  Everything that is in this nation, is because we allowed it, either through our action or our inaction.  As far as government goes, everything begins and ends with We The People.

But too many of us see the lobbyists, the special interests, the entertainment and Obammunist lickspittle news media, the race baiters and the homos setting the agenda, and think we’re powerless.  Too many of us listen to or watch the news and think issues are “too complicated” for us to figure out.  So we keep voting for the same Republicans and Democrats to represent us, because it’s the easy thing to do.  The same corrupt, greedy, cowardly statists, of both parties, stay in power because we’re too lazy to put any effort into finding new people to replace them.  To make matters worse, we feel proud of ourselves for having done so…we think we’ve done our civic duty voting for the status quo.

9-12 rally 2

BZZZZZZZZZZZZT!!!  Wrong answer!  Simply voting is not enough.  It earns you a “D” on your civic duty test, and a “D minus” if you simply pull the lever for the incumbent without giving it a second thought.  The power you exercise in the voting booth is far too important to not exercise with extreme caution.

Are you sick and freakin’ tired of the way things are?  Then why don’t you do something about it?  WE THE PEOPLE have the power in this nation, not THEY THE GREEDY AND CORRUPT.  Sure there’s not much you, all by your lonesome can do to affect change.  But that’s why we have the First Amendment rights to speak freely, to assemble freely, and to petition for redress of grievances.  In this day and age of social media, e-mail, smart phones, tablets and constant connectivity, it’s never been easier to find people who think like we do…so why don’t we do it?  Are we that lazy and worthless?  Don’t get me started, just prove me wrong.  I’m begging you to prove me wrong.

9-12 rally 1

The problem with our nation isn’t the CommieLibs.  It’s not the eco-nuts, the unions, Hollyweird, the Obammunist lickspittle media, the homos, the anti-gunners, the statists of both parties, and so on.  The problem is us.  We’re the power in this nation.  As Glenn Beck says, “WE surround THEM.”  So why don’t we act like it?  Nothing is going to get better until we do, in fact, the longer we dither and cower, the more likely CW2 is to happen.  Speak up, speak out, DO SOMETHING!  Get off your lazy a**es, lace up the Reeboks, grab your picket signs, and join your fellow fed-up patriots in the streets and Capitol steps.  Take the system back, and start paying attention to who you’re sending to Washington, Boise, Tallahassee, Albany, et al.  After al, we are the system, not them.

Normalizing homosexuality through pop culture – we let it happen, Xers!

Years ago, while hosting the first ever issues-driven talk show on my alma mater’s student radio station, I did a show dedicated to calling Generation X out on the carpet for its laziness, worthless, failure to contribute anything of value to society, and its habit of blaming the Baby Boomers for all the ills of society. This was in 1998, my last semester before graduating. I was born in 1965, so I am one of the very first Xers, and despite being known as “The Fossil” at the station, all of my colleagues and buddies at New Rock 92, and the rest of the student body at Western Kentucky University, were fellow Xers. So this article is a continuation, 15 years later, of my show “Generation X, you suck!”
I never read Archie comics when I was a kid; I was much more into Iron Man, The Hulk, Dr. Strange and Daredevil. But I always saw them on the comic stands at the store. I thought they were for girls, and in fact, my mother loved them when she was growing up in the ‘50s. But they always seemed to me to be wholesome, maybe a comic book form of a Norman Rockwell All-American painting – IOW, exactly the thing I least wanted to read!. I even saw Christian-themed Archie comics, which even though that didn’t appeal to the adventure-hungry 12-year old me, I knew even then that there was something distinctly American and good about Archie and the gang from Riverdale.
So imagine my surprise when I read about the coming death of Archie Andrews. Okay, so the guy’s 75 years old, and even though he, Betty and Veronica don’t look much older than 22, yeah, he’s getting to the age when many people pass on. What surprised me most though, is that he dies saving a friend, who’s a US senator, a military vet, and a homosexual.

archie dies defending faggotThis is how an icon dies

WHAT?!?!?! Even Archie comics are normalizing homosexuality?!?!?! Yep…liberal Leftist pop culture rears it’s ugly, debasing head once again.

Evidently, the homo character made his debut in 2010, so he’s not anything new to readers of Archie comics. That means it was , as usual, Generation X that allowed this to happen. We can’t blame Baby Boomers for this one, as we’re so good at doing. WE let this one get by us, folks.  WE let our kids be exposed, yet again, to the homosexual agenda through pop culture. WE did it. Not our parents, but us.

As a quick digression, the article quotes the CEO of Archie Comics as saying the death of Archie is a pro-gun control (he says “anti-gun violence”…more Commie propaganda) statement.

This is only the latest example of a decades-long parade of using pop culture to normalize and make harmless the destructive and dangerous lifestyle choice known as homosexuality. From the flamboyant Lamar in the “Revenge of the Nerds” franchise to “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy”, “Will and Grace”, “Modern Family” and currently, AMC’s “Halt and Catch Fire”., Hollyweird has made the morally repulsive, societally destructive, and disease-spreading lifestyle seem acceptable, funny and even cool. So have music, movies, and even comic books. We let it happen, Xers.

So…what do we do about it? Accept it without so much as a whimper? Well, that’s what the Left wants us to do. After all, the Communist Manifesto itself addresses the need to morally corrupt society before they can take over and strip your of your rights and your human dignity. But I’ll be damned if I accept it, and neither should you. God would never forgive us, and I don’t want to have to stand in front of St. Peter, trying to explain how I dropped the ball yet again.

We need to counter the Leftist/Communist/homosexual/anti-gun/pro-government/anti-individual assault on our society by fighting fire with fire. Conservative artists…the ball’s in your court. Step up and start drawing. Start writing stories that extol American greatness and Christian goodness, then add some really cool and hip characters through which to tell them.  When addressing touchy subjects, don’t be afraid to say, “that is wrong!” Our problems started when we quit making those judgments.

“But AJ,” you whine, “doesn’t the Bible say ‘judge not lest ye be judged’? (Matthew 7:1)” Guess what, puddin’…we’re gonna be judged by our Maker whether we judge others or not.  Judgment is a defense mechanism, whether you judge the kid in the black hoodie approaching you on the street at night, or whether we as a nation judge homosexuals to be morally wrong.  To survive, as a person or as a nation, we have to judge others…all the time.

But I digress, yet again.

“But AJ, I’m not an artist…what can I do about it?” you meekly sniffle. Glad you asked, ‘cause the ball’s in YOUR court, too. Talk with your investment guru about conservative pop culture hedge funds.  If they don’t exist, why the hell not?  Start one!  Advertise it!  Fund it!  Support conservative artists, actors, musicians, video game designers, etc. Oh yeah, BTW…support conservative patriotic software designers, because we desperately need conservative social networking sites so we can make Facebook collapse like a deflated balloon!

Other than that, actively seek out conservative artists online. Create local clubs where artists can get together an help promote one another’s work.  Sponsor local events and rallies where conservative/patriotic artists can perform and sell their CDs, T-shirts, bumper stickers and paintings.  Go on Facebook, and if you see a conservative/patriotic band page – like maybe 10 Pound Test’s page (!) – leave a small donation. Trust me, when you’re trying to get into the studio, get an amp or PA speakers repaired, or raise the money to drive to a rally 200 miles away, every dollar is appreciated! Again, check out and support the Big Dawg Music Mafia!  They do a bang-up job of giving conservative/patriotic/libertarian musicians and other artists an outlet for their work.

Of course, you’re not going to do it. You’re going to sit on your a**, as you always do, yelling at O’Reilly, getting mad at the latest moves by the Obammunists to strip you of your freedom and your hard-earned money, to strip your kids of their future, and to destroy…uh, ahem…I mean “fundamentally change…our formerly great Republic, then flip over to American Idol or Modern Family. Why? Because you’re Generation X, the most worthless generation in the history of the United States of America. The generation that doesn’t like to actually do anything, but loves to hear itself talk…usually when blaming someone else for its problems.

MORE Wisconsin cops and their moronic PR moves…this time a video!

A couple of days ago, I wrote about the Green Bay PD and its “SBU”…skateboard unit. Well, another Wisconsin police department is wasting taxpayers’ money in an effort to seem cooler, hipper and lower themselves to the level of

stupid happy

photo by UW-Madison PD

This time it’s the University of Wisconsin-Madison PD. It seems they didn’t think they were cool enough to relate to the hard partying student body they’re responsible for policing, so they made a music video for that stupid “Happy” song by some lame-a** “R and B” (no…Sam and Dave were R and B, dammit! Booker T and the MGs were R and B!) singer. I don’t know what’s worse…the fact that they did it during duty hours, thus wasted the taxpayers money when they should have been, uh…I don’t know, maybe doing their jobs, or that they think that their god-awful dancing and lip-synching is going to score them any cool points with the students.  I can see it now…those same cops are going to have to quell a riot on frat row this fall, after Wisconsin loses to Michigan or Notre Dame or whoever they hell they play, and instead of being intimidated by the “thin blue line”, the drunken frat boys are going to see the stupid video.  Way to go.

I have to give them some credit for reaching down to the level, but for God’s sake, people…do it on your own time and dime, and for crying out loud, DON’T MAKE YOURSELVES LOOK STUPID IN THE PROCESS! You’re supposed to be the police, and therefore respectable, and hopefully…intimidating!

What’s worse, read the comments beneath the article. People actually like this stupid waste of time, money, resources and respect.  Our enemies are seeing things like this and pi**ing their pants laughing at how easy it’s going to be to conquer us, because we’re stupid and weak.

Sheesh…at least the skateboard cop does a mean 180-hoptyflopty, or whatever.

Nice try, but…

If you’re a big enough glutton for punishment to stay with this blog for very long, you’ll see some recurring themes. One if my biggest causes is the creation of conservative and patriotic pop culture. You see, the 40-and under set, and even many 40-somethings, aren’t consumers of news. They literally know nothing about what’s going on in the world, much less have their eyes open to the lies they’re being told by the Obammunist lickspittle media. Their lives are consumed by movies, music, TV, sports, video games, and so on.

panel show

How ’bout that…another panel discussion show!

If we’re going to reach and deprogram Generation X and, we’ve got to reach out to them, reach down to their level. The reason why we need to deprogram should be obvious, so I won’t go into that again in this rant. If it’s not plainly obvious why we need to deprogram them, read my past rants. But I digress…

As I said in my article about the skateboard cop on Green Bay, we Xers have dropped the ball as parents (well, YOU have, as I don’t have kids), and never taught our kids the importance of citizenship, and doing one’s civic duty. The only reason young people turned out in the numbers they did to vote for the Chicago punk named Barrack Hussein Obammunist is they were motivated to do so by their pop culture heroes. Katy Perry told them to vote for the Obammunist. So did Lady Gaga. So did Orlando Bloom, Natalie Portman, Sarah Silverman, Foo Fighters, myriad rappers, Pink, ad nauseum. They don’t look up to their parents, church leaders (if they even go to church anymore), or elected officials. They don’t know who John Wayne or Pat Boone were.  They likely know nothing of US history — except for how evil white men and their corporations were responsible for enslaving blacks, American Indians, Orientals, women and homosexuals, and raping the environment — nor do they give a flyin’ Fig Newton about it.

Young people watch Jon Stewart and Bill Maher and think they’re hearing the news, that they’re hearing the truth. That may send people like you and me into fits of laughter, but the young ‘uns literally don’t know the difference between news and entertainment. Blurring the lines has been a deliberate act by Hollyweird and the networks, all in order to dumb down American society. Mission accomplished.

So I turned on Fox News recently to watch their new afternoon/evening show ‘The Independents”. The radio promos sounded good…news from the perspective of Generation Xers, not beholden to any party, calling the shots they way they see it, and hosted by former MTV VJ Kennedy, who I must say is still looking quite babealicious, in a nerdy way. But I digress. Again.

I watched for about 10 minutes, then I had to change the channel. It was more of the same panel discussion formula, only instead of stuffed shirt 50-somethings, it was three 30-somethings hosting. Same old dinosaur Republican and democrat guests, still looking and talking like dinosaurs, only with young, pretty hosts. If the show wasn’t compelling enough to hold my news-nerdy attention, there’s no way a 22-year old pimple-faced third shift Taco Bell employee would tune in.

Just as well intentioned, but equally falling-on-their–faces boring is Real News on Blaze TV. Again, a panel discussion with four 30-somethings, with some fairly big names, at least in center-right circles. SE Cupp and Buck Sexton and two others that I’ve never heard of comprise the panel – and again, if I’ve never heard of them, being the news nerd I am, it’s a cinch the 22-year old WWE fan hasn’t either. They spend an hour a day trying to emulate every other panel show that’s ever come before, young fogies trying to prove how smart they are, and totally missing the golden opportunity to use their youth and good looks to reach out to an ignorant and apathetic  At least they have the right perspective on things.

What we need are our own versions of Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, and Saturday Night Live. Remember, it was Tina Fey’s parody of Gov. Sarah Palin on SNL that had the nation believing Palin actually said, “I can see Russia from my house!” To this day, I know perfectly intelligent people who swear they saw Gov. Palin say it, when it was Fey all along. That’s the power of pop culture. That’s what we need to tap into.

At one time, The Blaze aired a sketch comedy show called BS of A. It was a good idea, just the material was terrible and the acting wasn’t any better. Still, that’s what we need. We need to rip a page out of the Saul Alinski playbook and ridicule the hell out of our enemies. Remember the Canadian sketch comedy show The Kids in the Hall? That’s what we need…edgy, slightly off-color, and funny as hell, but from our perspective.

Glenn Beck’s Blaze Network is off to a strong start, but instead of retreading the same OLD ground, they really need to find ways to communicate our conservative-patriotic values to Generation X and, in a way that the 40-and under set will accept. IOW, edgy, action-packed, adrenaline-laced, and slightly off color. The Andy Griffith Show doesn’t go over anywhere but TV Land these days. Same goes for Happy Days, Gunsmoke and My Three Sons. We’ve raised our kids to believe there’s nothing from the past that has any value, so we have to do it their way…at least until we can deprogram all the Leftist claptrap that’s been hammered into their skulls all their lives. Cutesy 13-year old girls playing piano and singing about what America means to them aren’t going to have the 22-year old Taco Bell kid rocking out on his way home after a shift. But heavy metal, hard rock and rap will. doesn’t respond to what we did when we were kids…and that’s our fault.

I’ve heard it time and time again, I but don’t buy the line that conservatives’ brains aren’t wired to be creative. There are legions of conservative and patriotic writers, actors, musicians, sculptors and other artists out here. Some of my songs are listed on the right sidebar of this blog. Go to the Big Dawg Music Mafia and you’ll find dozens, scores, maybe hundreds of conservative artists posting their work there. The question that perplexes me is why…WHY…won’t conservative and patriotic investors put their money into creating the infrastructure needed to get these peoples’ art out in front of American eyes, and in American ears. Why are the Koch brothers wasting millions and millions buying newspapers, when the people that need to be reached don’t read them?  They could be funding conservative movie production studios and record labels.  They could be buying controlling interest in cable systems, professional sports teams, and video game production companies.  The people who still read newspapers will be dead and gone in 15-20 years, as comes into power.  Bye-bye, America.

Reaching young people doesn’t mean just having young faces doing the same old crap that has been done for generations. It means being innovative, being fresh, and delivering our message in a way young people will accept. Nice try, Fox and Blaze, but keep working on it.


Stick your head out of the foxhole and return fire – metaphorically speaking, of course

For years now, I’ve been screaming, apparently to no one, that we in the center-right in this country have to start fighting back against the Leftist onslaught.  I’ve been frustrated, as many of us in the patriot community are, to watch the Republican Party and rank-and-file Republicans as well, have the attitude of, “well, if we can just make it to the (fill in the blank) elections, we have a chance to change things.”  No.  We have to fight now, and fighting isn’t done at the polls…voting happens there.  We have to fight the battle, and win the battle, before Election Day.  We have to go to the polls with victory already secured.

As conservatives, libertarians and patriots, we’re good people.  We’re nice, we’re good neighbors, and we don’t want to make anyone mad.  We want everyone to be happy and fulfilled.  We want to play by the rules, and we like order.  IOW, we’re 180-degrees diametrically opposed to our CommieLib enemies, who want strife and disorder, because that’s how they affect their Leftist change (sound familiar?).  We want to play nice and play well with others; they want to be in your face (only because they know we won’t put their teeth down their throats).  We don’t know how to fight, and we’re averse to it; they live for the fight.  Well, ol’ AJ is here to start fixing both of those things, because being nice guys is doing nothing but getting our a**es kicked, and allowing the Left to gain more precious ground.

pork chop hill

Gregory Peck as Lt. Joe Clemmons in “Pork Chop Hill”, 1959…a true story!

In the classic war movie, Pork Chop Hill, Gregory Peck’s character, Lt. Clemmons has to order his men to use their weapons. His King Company was in the initial stages of the battle, moving up the hill, which was being held by the Chicoms. His men were under fire, grenades exploding all around them, and getting tangled up in concertina wire that was supposed to have been flattened by artillery. Who wouldn’t be scared? Still, they were soldiers, and Lt. Clemmons knew he had to lead them to do their duty, to put their heads up and fire their weapons at their enemies.
Had they not, they wouldn’t have accomplished their mission. Maybe they would’ve gotten killed. Worse yet, they could have gotten killed AND the Chicoms might have continued their advance. Enemies HAVE TO BE OPPOSED.  They can’t be reasoned with, and you can’t play chess with a guerrilla fighter.  You have to fight fire with even hotter fire.
Here in 2014, we don’t have bullets flying over our heads (unless you live in Chicago or New Orleans, maybe), but we face an enemy just as determined to win as the Chicoms in the Korean war. Our enemies are political and societal, and they are as dedicated to destroying our American Republic as the Chicoms were to spreading their evil and destructive Communist regime to the entire Korean Peninsula.
Just as with Lt. Clemmon’s men, we have to get over our fear of raising our heads and engaging the enemy. “But AJ,” you sheepishly bleat, “I don’t want anyone to know who I am online. I don’t want anyone to know my views!” Fine…stay huddled in the foxhole known as your living room while the Americoms (American Communists, aka the Obammunists) advance and conquer our Republic.
Or, you can use your head a little, and adopt the tactics of our enemies. It’s called “trolling”, and the Left has been trolling websites, blogs and comment boards effectively as long as they have been blogs and comment boards. How to troll is easy: first, you create an account, and come up with a screen name. You don’t have to give any personal information on boards like Yahoo, and even if the site wants personal information, LIE! Yes, that may violate your personal ethics, but get over it. You can feel smug and self-righteous, sitting on your moral high ground as the enemy undermines you, or you can get real and fight back. That means lying to them if you have to.
But I digress.
Once you’ve created an online profile, start trolling. Go to sites like Yahoo, the Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, Democratic Underground, and post away. You can either post your honest views, or better yet, ridicule the ridiculous views of the CommieLibs who live there. Point out how they’re functional illiterates who don’t know how to capitalize or use punctuation. Correct their grammar and spelling. Their demi-god, Saul Allinski, told the hippies of the 60s to use ridicule to shut us up…now it’s time to give them a taste of their own medicine.
Or, as a fellow troll I know likes to do, pose as a disillusioned CommieLib, and share your concerns about the coming Congressional a**-whupping the ‘Rats are going to take this November. Use your concerns to disillusion them.
I troll on a number of comment boards and blogs, but I never use my real name or personal information. When you register, you may need to provide a e-mail address, so you may need to go on Yahoo or Gmail and create one or more e-mail accounts that you’ll never use otherwise. Give them 867-5309 or 704-1776 as your phone number. Give them City Hall Or Wrigley Field as your home address. No one’s going to follow up.  Well, the NSA might, but trust me, they already know all about you.  Trying to hide now is akin to closing the barn door after the livestock ran off and left you in the dust.
If you don’t want to engage in an ongoing battle, don’t feel you have to. The Lefties often leave hit-and-run, or “drive by” comments. Say something to really torque off your enemies, then go away. They do it on our boards, why not return the favor? Let ‘em have it…as we would say in the Army, give ‘em a HEAT round (High Explosive Anti-Tank). Metaphorically speaking, of course.
People, as much as we need to motivate and rally our own troops, that’s not going to do one bit of good if they won’t fight once they’ve deployed. Yes, vote. That’s a minimum. Yes, pray. That, too, is a minimum. But get out there and let those who want to destroy our Republic know they’re not going to do it without a fight.  Let them know they’re not going to get away with it, they’re not going to win, and (as Glenn Beck so famously said) WE SURROUND THEM! Stop cowering in the bottom of your foxhole!  Stick your head up, and open fire. Again, metaphorically speaking. If not, we may find ourselves having to do it for real in the not-too-distant future.

This is the first in a string of articles I plan to write about how to fight back.  If you have any really cool ideas on how to pi** off, torque off, cheese off, frustrate, befuddle, confound or in any way frustrate our enemies on the Left, I’d love to hear ’em.  Drop me a line at, and let me know what you do to fight back!


Cops on skateboards…yes, that’s right…cops on skateboards

You can’t make stuff like this up. The police department of Green Bay, WS has added a new and totally stupid, and likely ineffective patrol vehicle to its fleet…a skateboard. The “SBU”, or skateboard unit, has only one officer at this point, I would guess that’s because any self-respecting cop wouldn’t be caught dead or alive on one. I won’t go into the specifics of the article – you can read it yourself. But as I heard about it on the Glenn Beck show this morning, I couldn’t help but wonder why on God’s green Earth would a city do something so utterly stupid as to put a cop on a skateboard?

Cop on a skateboard

photo by

Well, for starters, it’s Green Bay, which is in Wisconsin, which explains a lot. Permafrosted brains, THC saturation, whatever it is, Wisconsin isn’t exactly the brightest bulb on our national tree. Gov. Scott Walker, don’t go anywhere yet…there’s still a lot of work to do!

What is to be gained by wasting a resource like a police officer, who probably costs the city over $100K/year when you consider pay, benes, equipment, training, and so on? Bikes are just as maneuverable as skateboards or inline skates, and a helluva lot faster. Horses are faster than bikes, and have the intimidation factor to boot. Patrol cruisers, even more so. Hell’s bells…an officer on foot could likely sprint just as fast as a doped-up Generation.commer on a board!

Wait…I think we have an answer! It’s a PR move, to make cops look cool to the so-called “Millennials” (Generation.commers). You see, Generation X, we being the worst parents in the history of our nation – and that’s quite an accomplishment considering what a sorry job the Baby Boomers did raising us – has caused this to happen.

We heard about “outcome-based education” throughout the 90s…the emphasis being placed not so much on finding right answers, or doing things the right way, or being taught what it means to be a good citizen, but on feeling good about yourself regardless of whether you’re a blithering idiot or not. His Rushness railed on and on about it for years, and had some really good parody spots about schools teaching kids to feel good about themselves. He asked he question, “what’s going to happen when these kids grow up?” I think we’re seeing it now.

We Xers (I should say YOU Xers…I don’t have kids, so it’s not my fault) taught our kids to live for themselves. We taught them to always believe they were right about everything, whether they were or weren’t. We taught them that they were the be all and end all, that they were special, that the Sun and the planets revolved around them because…well, just because. Whatever they did was just wonderful, and they didn’t need to learn things like how to be responsible, how to de a good citizen, how to respect the views of others, how to work with those who don’t share your beliefs, etc. They got trophies just for showing up, they all made the honor roll, and schools did away with valedictorians because they didn’t want the idiot underachievers to feel bad about the fact that they were idiot underachievers. They were just fine the way they were, and the world should bend to fit their needs.

On a side note, it’s a given that not all police officers are upright, stalwart protectors of society. There are some bad, stupid, and down right evil cops out there – like those who shoot dogs, stomp kittens, terrorize people in drug raids when they’re at the wrong house to begin with, etc. – but I believe by and large, the vast majority of cops are good people, doing a job that not many of us would want to do. was never taught that they should respect police officers unless given a reason not to. Their default setting is that all cops are mean, evil, corrupt and out to get them…because that’s what they’ve been taught by Hollyweird and that god-awful (c)rap so-called “music”. We, that is to say you, their parents, never taught them otherwise. has been raised by pop culture and the internet.

So rather than bring them to us, to teach them how to be good, productive American citizens, we have to lower our cops to their level by putting them on skateboards. “Yeah, man…Officer Kai is raaaaaaad, duuuuuude! Like, he can pull a wicked double flopty-doodle and then go into a lower anthofagasta and a sick hemi-jaboppie!” Can you tell I know nothing about skateboarding? But I digress.

It’s a PR stunt, one that will probably come to your town unless you open your eyes and tell your city council not just no, but HELL NO!

Here in Boise, the police do something I think is far more effective at reaching out to young people and showing them that cops aren’t all stiff, robotic, inflexible jack wagons who are there only to get in the way of people’s good times. Jonny Law is a band made up entirely of Boise cops. They play at schools, community events, and so on.  I saw them play at a Special Olympics event I was covering as a reporter back in 2008. They tailor their set list to the audience to whom they’ll be playing at each show…in the video, you can hear them playing that stupid song by Jimmy Eats World, but nonetheless, the elementary kids are rocking out to it. When I saw them, they did a damn fine cover of “Breaking the Law” by Judas Priest. Best of all, and don’t hold me to this, I think the band plays shows on their own time…which means the city isn’t having to lose those resources for the several hours it takes to set up, play the show, then tear down.

Yeah, it’s a pretty sorry situation, that police departments have to resort to gimmicks like putting a cop on a skateboard to “reach out” to sorry-a** But Generation X’s chickens are coming home to roost.  Our nation fell apart because we Xers were too busy chasing our own stupid pursuits, instead of doing our jobs as parents, and raising our kids to be good Americans.  Instead, we raised a bunch of self-centered, self-righteous narcissists, who believe the world revolves around them, and that the world is out of step with them.  If we’re going to rebuild respect for law enforcement, we have to reach out to kids using – that’s right – pop culture. Whether it’s law enforcement, education, politics, the military, or anything else, isn’t going to come to us. We taught them they’re just fine the way they are, even if they’re a bunch of lazy, stupid worthless slackers. Thus, cops on skateboards. But I guess the silver lining is they’re not coming for us in MRAPs…yet.

Take back the English language -or- Just say “No” to Newspeak

He who controls the language controls the masses”. – Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals

I don’t know why, because I’m not a big TV nostalgia type, but he other day I was watching a re-run of the Flintstones. You know the theme song, at the end of the show, with the famous line…”we’ll have a gay ol’ time!” As educated, and well informed as I like to think I am, I couldn’t help snickering, and maybe hearing a faint Butthead voice in the back of my head saying, “Huh-huh-huh…they’re gonna be gay.”


To anyone my age or younger (and it’s scary how many people are younger than me these days), “gay” has a completely different meaning that it did for those who were Flintstones-watching little kids back in the 60s and 70s. Happy, carefree, lighthearted, without a worry…at one time, everyone aspired to be gay.

Somewhere along the way, the word was co-opted by the homosexual lobby, and everyone began snickering at the closing theme song of the Flintstones. We won’t even go into how “queer” has been stolen and tarnished. Those who relish in calling themselves “gay” and “queer” today cringe and take offense at being called what they truly are…homosexual.

Think about the term “gay marriage”. Shouldn’t all married people be happy in their marriages? Isn’t marital bliss something to aspire to? So why shouldn’t there be “gay marriage”? Because the word has been co-opted to make it sound more palatable and marketable. People might be more inclined to cringe and not support “homosexual marriage”, or “homosexuals in the military”.

Incidentally, there’s no such thing as “homosexual marriage”, at least not in proper English. I’m a big fan of old, pre-PC dictionaries (yeah, I need a girlfriend). I like them because they tell us what the English language was in an earlier, not-so-complicated time, when the concepts of right and wrong, good and evil, and what it meant to be a good Christian and a good American weren’t so blurry. So I have two dictionaries at my disposal, both pre-1980. One is the 1977 printing of the Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary. It defines “marriage as:

 “1 a: the state of being married b: the mutual relation of husband and wife : WEDLOCK c: the institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family.”

 “Husband” and “Wife” are defined as:

 “Husband – a married man

“Wife – 1: a woman b: a woman acting in a specified capacity 2: a married woman

Going back even further than that, the Random House American College Dictionary of 1962 defined “marriage” as:

 “1. The legal union of a man with a woman for life; state or condition of being married; the legal relation of spouses to each other; wedlock

So, as you see, once upon a time, when we were a better nation and better people, not only was it common freakin’ knowledge what “marriage” meant, but was in our dictionaries!

Another digression: remember back in elementary school, when you asked the teacher what a word meant, and he or she told you to look it up in the big dictionary at the front of the classroom? I’m not so sure if I’m comfortable with that in this age of political correctness. Each school district should hire old codgers with old dictionaries to answer those questions for the little Commies-in-training. Better yet, re-print millions of copies of those old Webster’s and Random House dictionaries, and require each school district in the nation to use them!

That’s not the only example of perfectly correct words in the English being labeled “politically incorrect”. Call a black person a “Negro”, or the sociologically correct term “Negroid”, and you could find yourself getting ready for fight or flight. Call someone from China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, etc “Oriental”, and you’ll be chastised for not using the more PC “Asian”. God forbid you should use the correct term, “Mongoloid”. “Asian” isn’t even a good description for someone from China or Vietnam. After all, Saudi Arabia is in Asia, as is Iran. “Oriental” and “Middle Eastern” are more accurate descriptions.

Then there are the interchangeable terms “global warming” and the more elastic “climate change”. In the middle of a long, hot summer, you’ll hear “global warming” (I prefer “gloBULL warming”) being bandied about, but not so much in the midst of a winter storm…that’s because that storm that the Orwellian media say is worst we’ve seen in decades (really since three years ago) is the fault of “climate change”. Of course anyone with a room temperature IQ knows the climate has ALWAYS CHANGED throughout the history of the planet Earth!!! Maybe that’s the problem…the whole room temperature IQ thing.

How about “illegal alien” morphing into “undocumented immigrant”? Or the simple “migrant”? “Oh, there’s nothing bad about that,” you ignorantly babble, “they haven’t committed any crimes, they just don’t have their documents! They’re just immigrants, and after all, George Bush said we’re a nation of immigrants, didn’t he?” Or how about the polarizing term “gun control” being spun into “gun safety laws”? Oh yeah! Who could possibly be opposed to gun safety? Except that gun safety comes through training with firearms, and there’s no safety for anyone in gun control…unless, you’re the tyrant who’s disarming the rest of us.

But hey…look, American Idol is on! Can you believe they cut Laqueesha? She’s such a hottie…

In George Orwell’s 1984, Winston Smith and all the other unknowing slaves in Oceania spoke the official government language, called Newspeak (really…if you haven’t read 1984, read the damn book NOW!). It was a government approved language in which inconvenient words and concepts like “freedom” and “individual” were eliminated, and the meanings of words like “truth” were mangled beyond recognition. Wow.   Just…like…”gay”. Just…like…”marriage”.

So Orwell was off by a few years, but being one who doesn’t believe in coincidence, I find it odd that I first heard about “political correctness” – itself a frighteningly Orwellian concept – in 1986. I was stationed in Germany at the time, and being as we didn’t get satellite news, talk radio and the internet back in those days, I heard about it from a guy who had recently shipped in from Stateside. Even as a crazy 21-year old, who didn’t give a second thought to anything other than girls and beer, the news chilled me to the bone. So I suppose political correctness, and its accompanying assault on our English language, could have been conceived in 1984. As the Church Lady would say, “How conveeeeeeeeenient!”

“So what AJ,” you petulantly bleat, “languages always change. What words mean changes over time…it’s no big deal.” Wrong. The way words are misused changes over time, and it damn sure is a big freakin’ deal! The English language is the rule book of Western Civilization. If we change what words mean, then we change entire concepts. If, for instance, we allow “marriage” to mean a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, what’s to stop the de-evolution of the word to mean a man and a 12-year old girl? Or a woman and a donkey? Or a man and 20 wives, like in the uncivilized, Stone Age, death-worshiping Moose Limb world? For that matter, what’s to stop, say, “war is peace”, and “freedom is slavery”? Hmmmmm? Just like Orwell said…

Not being one to just raise a stink, I like to look at solutions…what can we do about it? For starters, stop being politically correct. Use words like “Negros”, “Orientals”, “Hispanics”, “Caucasians”, “homosexuals”, “sodomites”, and “illegal scumbag aliens”. So what if you pi** off a bunch of Lefties at work, church, or the bowling league? They’re not your friends, and they would never bypass an opportunity to knife you in the back if it presented itself. They’re the enemy…feel free to pi** them off! If they get mad an punch you in the face, make sure you have your voice recorder rolling, so you can sue their a**es off after you stop your nose from bleeding.




So…if the Obammunist is going to go his own way, why can’t we?

The Man-Child who masquerades as the alleged so-called “president” these days is throwing a temper tantrum. So what else is new? Seems Barrack Hussein Obammunist is mad that House Speaker John Boner…uh, Boehner…has uncharacteristically shown some spine and declared “immigration reform” will not come up for a vote this year. So, being the spoiled little Commie brat that he is, what is Hussein doing? Overstepping his authority, of course.

According to Newsmax, the Obammunist announced he’s (ab)using his executive authority once again, to bypass the Constitutional process which has kept our nation from falling into the Burmese tiger pit known as amnesty. Didn’t the Supreme Court just slap him down last week over doing pretty much the same thing, only in that case it was recess appointees? A true narcissist, the Obammunist just doesn’t seem to understand there are things he can’t do!

That reminds me of a joke…what are the two biggest differences between Bill Klinton and Barrack Hussein Obammunist? One, Klinton learned a lesson from getting his a** handed to him in the Congressional elections of 1994, and two, Klinton likes women.

But I digress.

So all this begs the question, if that dirtbag who currently infests the White House can go his own way, completely disregarding the Constitutional limits on his power, why can’t we. We The States, We The Counties, We The People? Why can’t border states just unilaterally close their borders with Mexico and Canada? Yeah, I hear you bleating, “But AJ…the Supremacy Clause!”

For those of you who don’t know what it is, go Google “Supremacy Clause”.

Okay, so if federal law is the “supreme law of the land”, what happens if the federal government doesn’t enforce the law? Say, for instance, if the so-called “president” tells his attorney general not to enforce laws governing deportation of illegal scumbag aliens or ignore states that pass laws legalizing the use and possession of marijuana? What if the president, unilaterally, decides to alter laws passed by Congress, without getting Congressional approval first (hello…like he’s done time and time again with Obamacare)? If he so openly shirks his responsibility and flouts the Constitution, what’s to stop us from doing the same? After all, the states created the “federal” (cough, cough) government! You want to talk about supremacy, we got your supremacy right here, Washington!


(MS-13 gang member, AP photo)

So I say any state that has an international border, go ahead and close that border if you need to. Governor Rick Perry has asked the White Hut – uh, House – if he can send an additional 1,000 Texas National Guard troops (digression…it should be called the TexAN National Guard, but who cares about proper English these days, anyway) to the border to stem the flow of unaccompanied kids and MS-13 gang bangers into his state. Why is he asking? He should just do it, and withhold state tax payments to the “federal” government to cover the cost of doing the job the Obammunist isn’t doing!

BTW, did you hear the Obammunist wants $2 billion from Congress to help deal with the border crisis? A thought on that…if funding for the Border Patrol had been bumped up that same amount from the get go, maybe they could have hired more agents and bought more equipment, and maybe they would’ve been able to stop more of those illegal scumbag aliens before they broke into our country in the first place! But no..that’s right. This so-called “crisis” is a completely manufactured event, so the Obammunists can create solutions to take more of your money and freedom. After all, the “federal” government was advertising for transportation contractors to help with relocating 60,000+ minor illegals to Immigration facilities…back in JANUARY!!! This was planned all along!

So, all this in mind, why do we put up with this crap of “following the law is good for thee, but not for me” mindset? Oh yeah, that’s right…because the Sheeple are asleep.  “Don’t know, don’t care”. Silly me.

No Way Jose (No Se Puede!) by 10 Pound Test

Hey, imagine that…Hollyweird is remaking (yet) another classic action flick!

We’ve all heard of the made-up malady used to excuse rowdy behavior among kids, called “Attention Deficit Disorder”. Well, I humbly (okay, NOT humbly) suggest we create another condition to excuse the dearth of new ideas from Hollyweird – “Creativity Deficit Disorder”.

That might explain why, according to Hollywerid –uh, that is to say HollyWOOD Reporter online – plans are afoot to remake yet another classic movie from the 80s…this time Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “Predator”. Oh good Lord, here we go again.


A couple of thoughts come to mind: one, as I write this, “22 Jump Street” is tops at the box office (I think). It’s a sequel to a movie adaptation of a crappy 80s TV show, so perfect fodder for remaking. Fine, if you must re-trod ground that’s already been trodden upon, Hollyweird, stick to destroying crap that deserves to be destroyed. The American Sheeple will still flock to it, because they’re so lobotomized these days, they’ll pay to see whatever you promote. Two: Joe and Jane Sixpack, you could not act as if you had been lobotomized, and put an end to this by not just robotically going out to see the next installment of the Rush Hour franchise, or the never-ending Fast and Furious saga. How? By just not going!

These days, anyone and everyone is getting into the movie production business (are you listening, conservatives and patriots?). Nexflix, Amazon and other media companies are now producing movies and TV shows, available for screening right in your own home, usually for less than you’d pay for a night out at the cinema. Now, I understand some people are just in love with the idea of date night at the movies – standing in line with a bunch of loud mouthed, rude, inconsiderate yokels who don’t bother watching where they’re stepping, jacka** teens who allow their friends to cut in line in front of you when you’ve been standing in the freezing night air for 30 minutes, taking out a second mortgage to get a couple of sodas and a large popcorn for you and your date, inconsiderate parents who won’t remove their squalling brat babies who invariably start crying in the middle of the show, the inconsiderate jack wagon who knocks your Coke out of your hand and all over your date’s new blouse as he squeezes past you on his way to the restroom, the rude a**holes two rows back that talk through the whole movie, then try to pick a fight with you if you dare say anything to them (as in “The Trigger Effect”), and what’s with all the damn coughing and no one covering their mouths anymore? Yeah, I can see why some of you are theater die-hards.

So, for the rest of us, who actually have a higher than room temperature IQ, here’s an idea: instead of supporting the remake mill that Hollyweird has become, why not start hosting movie streaming parties at your home? Your circle of friends can rotate who hosts each weekend, you can do a pot luck of good munchies and beer/wine/whatever else you may want drink but don’t want to pay an arm and a leg for, and stream an original movie, maybe from an independent studio that Hollyweird would never consider green lighting (again, are you listening conservatives, patriots, and conservative-patriotic investors and entrepreneurs?). You’d like the people around you, it would cost a fraction of what you pay at the local 50-theater megaplex, and you’d be hitting the Leftist Hollyweird behemoth where it hurt the most…in the wallet!

If you felt particularly energetic, you could pitch the idea to your local nightspot or corner bar, so you could shoot pool, throw darts, or hit on that hottie at the next table while a decent movie was on. Who knows…you might even be able to break the ice by saying something witty like, “well, you know ‘34 Jump Street’ is showing over at the Edwards”, or “hey, did you hear they’re making ‘Fast and Furious 18 – Kellogg, Idaho Nights’?”

In the interest of full disclosure, I do not own any stock in Netflix or Amazon, but I am a customer of both.

But seriously, why are we missing out on the opportunity to create our own, conservative-patriotic movie industry? Instead of more remakes by Leftist Hollyweird movie studios that wouldn’t know creativity if Marx and Engels had written about it in The Communist Manifesto, why aren’t we buying majority control Netflix and Amazon, or their up and coming equivalents, and cranking out original movies that celebrate America and living a good life?

They don’t have to be boring, mind you…which brings up this caveat. “Left Behind” is being remade, and I must say that’s a movie that needs a good retooling. I read the series, and while it did drag toward the end, “Left Behind” and the next couple of installments were real page turners. Kirk Cameron and Cloud 10 Productions, I love ya, and keep doing what you’re doing. But “Left Behind, the Movie” was boring…it didn’t come close to living up to its potential. The soundtrack? Sorry, Kirk…it was lame. I’m hoping the soundtrack to the remake is more edgy and rockin’.

But I digress.

Conservative-patriotic, and even Christian entertainment doesn’t have to be boring or unoriginal. AMC’s “Turn” is another good example of a great idea that falls flat, at least IMNSHO, because it’s too boring, to talky-talky, and didn’t have nearly enough action. I watched the first couple of episodes, and stopped because I couldn’t stay awake. But giving credit where credit is due, “Turn” is original, and it’s patriotic. We need more like it, and Hollyweird isn’t giving it to us. We can do something about it.

But hey…I hear Looney George Clooney is in talks for “Ocean’s 17-25”.