Pop culture rears its ugly head — yet again — and conservatives yawn — yet again

When, oh, when, are conservatives going to wake up? Even before Hilldebeast Klinton announces her candidacy for president, wouldn’t you know, pop star Katy Perry (she of Satanic “Dark Horse” and lesbian “I Kissed a Girl” fame) has offered to record a theme song for the candidacy. I haven’t yet listened to it, being as I just recently ate breakfast and really don’t want it to come back up, but nonetheless, pop culture once again is rallying to the aid of the Leftists.


The really scary thing is that November 2016 is still two and a half years off…if Perry is already “coming out” for Klinton (pun intended), you know the pop culture world will be putting on the full court press between now and then. So…what is “our side” going to do to counter the coming musical, cinematic and athletic onslaught? Nothing…and we’re going to get our a**es kicked for it.

It’s nothing new. Conservatives have long sniffed and turned their noses up at pop culture. “It’s fleeting” and “pop culture changes”, they snort distastefully, and besides, “rock and roll is the devil’s music!” Yes, pop culture is based on fads. After all, if it weren’t, we’d still be “rocking out” to crooners like Bobby Darrin and Frankie Valli. Hell, it wasn’t that long ago that techno rock like Ministry was all the rage, but when was the last time you heard “New World Order” playing anywhere?  But, there is one constant theme in pop culture…Leftist statism. Okay, you hair splitting geeks, call it whatever you want, but you know what I’m talking about…anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-traditional values, anti-military, anti-business, anti-American exceptionalism, pro-government control over everything while accusing conservatives of wanting to control everything, and so on.  In other words, Leftist statism.

Now is the time for conservatives, patriots and veterans to get their heads out of their collective backsides and realize we need pop culture to reach the younger generations. I’ve had people bristle at my use of the labels Generation X and Generation.com, but those are a lot more convenient than “the generations that are now coming to power, and will continue to be in power for the next 30-40 years, who will be responsible for raiding our retirement funds, hiking the death tax and driving inflation so high so as to make life unlivable, all in the name of their pet Leftist social programs”.   I’ve said it often that we may survive the Obammunist (heavy emphasis on “may”), but we won’t survive the generations that elected him. Nothing has influenced those generations, X and .com, like pop culture.

In the interest of full disclosure, I am an Xer.

Pop culture and entertainment is what influences young people. Period. Not parents, not church, not teachers…well, maybe those Leftist teachers who parrot the Leftist pop culture propaganda, but you get my point, I think. Jon Stewart has more influence on the 40-and-under set than Rush Limbaugh. Bill Maher holds more sway over your kids and grandkids than does Milton Friedman. Katy Perry (and various and sundry rappers and “death metal” bands) is who they listen to, not Pat Boone!

As distasteful as you may find pop music (and I freakin’ hate rap!), professional sports and Hollyweird, if we want to ever have any hope of deprogramming those who will be in charge for the next half century, we’d better damn well embrace those media, and make them our own! Kids don’t read newspapers.  They don’t take online classes from Hillsdale College on the Constitution and great works of literature.  They’ve never heard of the Heritage Foundation. Kids play video games. They watch reality TV shows on MTV (remember when MTV used to play music videos? No? Maybe that’s part of the problem), they go to websites like TMZ for celebrity gossip, they watch the NBA and (gag) the World Cup. They watch movies like “22 Jump Street” and “Fast and Furious”. They listen to the most disgusting form of quasi-“music” ever invented, rap.  If we’re going to reach them, that’s where we have to go!

We have to wrap our conservative, pro-family, pro-business, pro-individual, pro-American exceptionalism, pro-military message in a package younger people will accept. That means violent movies, I’m afraid to say. That means heavy metal, hard rock, and even – gag yet again –rap. That means video games with patriotic themes. Once we have their attention, we can start dialing the violence and crudeness back, but until then, we have to give young people adrenaline and excitement if we have any chance at all of them opening the package and being exposed to our message. As much as you may like Blake Shelton and Alan Jackson, no one’s going to charge off into battle (political only, I hope) singing “Honey Bee” or “Good Time”.

So, how do we create conservative-patriotic pop culture? Good question…one that’s going to take some creativity on your part. There is little infrastructure to make it happen at this point, which means infrastructure is going to have to be built.  That means money is going to have to go into conservative-patriotic record labels, movie studios, and video game companies. Money is going to have to be pooled to buy cable, satellite, and radio networks and professional sports teams. This means hedge funds are going to have to be created, and investment dollars sunk into them! In the meantime, the folks over at Big Dawg Music Mafia are doing a great job giving conservative-patriotic artists a place to post their work, even if the only people who see or hear it are the other artists.

Or we can continue to bitch and moan to one another about how Katy Perry is writing the Hilldebeast 2016 theme song, how our kids are dressing and acting like rappers, and how Jon Stewart is what passes for real news to Generation X and Generation.com. Keep doing that, and I can guarantee-damn-tee you the experiment that was America will die in our lifetime.